Monday, February 25, 2008

Even though there's nuthin new

There really isn't anything new but I suppose I ought to write something otherwise whats the point of a blog? I did get a new 4 gig Ipod and the dock works great now. I'm sitting here typing this with great music in the background now. Probably 90% of anybody reading this would hate my music. Carla,Amy and Todd would know what I'm talking about. They had to put up with 18 years of light opera like Porgy and Bess, broadway musicals and lots of classical stuff.Thats right folks I'm a long hair. I will admit to liking Barbara Streisand and Liza Minelli. I NEVER admit that in public cause folks might think I'm a little "light in the loafers".
MGJ and I are definately ready for summer. It seems like winter has been here forever. There's still lots of snow on the ground and lots of clouds in the sky. I hate dirty snow and dirty cars. Just as soon as the snow melts we're going to set up the camper and hopefully get it sold. The longer it sets in the driveway the more we are reminded how DUMB we were to buy it in the first place. You would think that both of us having nearly 70 years on this planet would be a little smarter,butapparently not. Oh well, our motto has always been to "buy high, sell low" so why change now.
It was really great to see Josh. He's done a lot of maturing and while he was always a good kid he's turning into a great guy too. Would sure like to meet Stepanie tho. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well on his second Iraq tour.
As soon as I figure out how to do it I'll put on some music and some more pics. I may have to check with some of you techies on how to do that. Enough for now us old geezers need our naps.


Anonymous said...

Hey Gramps! I love you! Ok, here's what I do to add music to the good ol' blog. Go to You can set up a playlist then once you have that done, go to layout on blogspot and add that to your page. I can walk you through that part once you have your playlist set up.
I wish I could have see Josh. I miss him! I really wish I could have see him before he's off to Iraq again but that's life I guess!
I miss you guys! Love you both!

Amy Ferguson said...

Hey there poplet!! Just checking all the blogs - it sure is fun to read everyone's ramblings! I'm tired of the clouds too! :-) See ya later! XXOO Ames