Tuesday, November 4, 2008

6 quirks and other stuff

After being harrassed to the point of tears by a couple of grandaughters ( you know who you are and how viciously you harrassed your poor old sick Grandfather) I have decided to attempt an entry........

6 quirks of mine.

1. The fact that I find doing this very difficult because I am near perfect could be considered by
some to be a quirk. If I can ever learn to overcome my modesty I will have achieved NIRVANA and will truly be perfect.

2. The first thing I do every morning is comb my hair. I can't stand for it to be messed up even when no one is around.

3. I can't smile on command for pics like most people can. I can only smile if I think something is funny.

4. When I do smile I have a very crooked smile...more like a sneer..... I have one eye tooth on the left side that protrudes outward which I have always been self concious about especially as a teenager so I practiced smiling while not exposing that tooth hence the sneer.

5. I love a challenge and would tackle almost any challenge with enthusiasm often taking on more than I was capable of doing and then lose interest.I go through hobbies and projects like crazy. Once I am marginally competant at any hobby ( never really completely good at it ) I then lose interest and want to try something else.

6. MGJ might tell you I tend to be somewhat CONTROLLING but that is so not true. I just like to be in charge.

I could probably come up with more quirks but thats enough for now.

I really have been sickly. I got a cold or flu virus a month or so ago and it really zapped me like they usually do. while I had it I could not move at all. I could lift my head off the bed but that was it. MGJ really had a tough time moving me around but as I recuperated a little my favorite nurse practitioner showed us how to use a Gait belt to lift me up and help me move around a little. To make a long story short I am now pretty much recuperated from that bout but each time that happens it seems I am never quite as able to move around as well as I did beforehand.

Since no one can figure out what exotic disease I have (including the super neurologists at the U of Washington medical center) my next,and last stop, may be the Mayo clinic in Minnesota. I should know in a couple weeks if I'll be going there. If they can't come up with a diagnosis ( good or bad) then nobody can.

Thats all for now folks. More later.


Leanna said...

WOW! Think im in shock that there is a post! ;)HEHE! Well it made me smile! I also couldnt come up with any quirks. I mean im british that just reaks of awsomeness! LOL!No really i came up with 2 many and couldnt just pick six so I didnt bother doing it! Sorry that you got as Adam and Roni say "the sicky sicks" glad your feeling better though! Really looking forward to seeing you guys at Christmas, hope your ready for us, the boys have some serious A.D.D!
Love you guys!xxx

Shantommy said...

Hey Grampity Gramps! I am so happy you posted. I know you think you dont have anything to say, but even an update on health would be nice time and again! Maybe a couple posts that we can print out and save forever! Anything! I miss you and I love to be able to hear about you in your blog, even if it is just to reiterate how perfect that we all know you are!!!

Anonymous said...

It's about time you update! Don't cry about it when your beautiful grandbabies tell you off either!
Anywho, I loved your quirks. They had me cracking up! So I'm excited for the mayo clinic! Mom had said something about a clinic in Vail or somewhere. Is this Minnesota one better?
Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better Grampy and I have high hopes that they can figure out what's going on in your body! In my book it's better to know than to not. I'm sure you feel the same, so good luck!
I love you!

Amy Ferguson said...

Hey there poply! I'm so happy that you posted again - your posts are always so happy and uplifting!! I just wanted to tell you how much I admire your courage and sense of humor in facing what must be the most difficult challenge of your life. You are an example of grace and humor in difficult circumstances and you are loved and prayed for more than you can know! Blah, blah, blah, and all of that other mushy crap! XXOO Ames