Thursday, April 17, 2008

Its been a couple weeks

Its been a couple weeks since I've written anything so this is kind of an update.

YIPPEEE! We sold the Jayco tent trailer last week. We got what we were asking for it and had three folks in line if the party that bought it backed out so that means we PROBABLY UNDERPRICED IT!!!! DARN IT. Oh well that's the story of our life (buy high and sell low). I am glad we sold it but it's also kind of sad because its the end of a long and wonderful time camping and RVing from camping in a tent and the back of a stationwagon with our kids in Illinois and Wisconsin and camping on the beach and the mountains around San Diego, to camping in Zion with our kids and Richard and sue and Mike. Then camping at Fort Stevens with family and also on our own. Touring the country in our Airstream and then our Silverstreak. Then great camping with the family at Farragut ,Glacier and finally Heyburn. So that's like 36 years or so of great memories and we'll have them for the rest of our lives.

We're having new windows put in the front of the house. They are vinyl with the white grids in them and they should look really nice. If I were a lot more ambulatory I would tackle it myself but I'm learning (slowly but surely) that its time to let someone else do it. Power wheelchairs are great but they do have their limitations. I've gotten mine stuck in the snow and in the yard a few times trying to take it places it really wasn't designed to go.

Things are going fine at our house.... We were sitting around the other day trying to figure out
why we didn't have any time left in our days to get anything done that we SHOULD be doing like cleaning house or yard work etc. And we realized our day goes something like this:

1. Up at approximately 7:30 then 2 hours to read newspaper and drink one pot of coffee or in MGJs case doze some more with a blanket and 3 dogs on her lap and then drink coffee and read the paper.

9:30/10:00 Cook and eat breakfast then have a cup of tea and sit around and discuss ALL OF YOU and our plans for the day.

11:00 or so Make bed take baths ,grooming, getting dressed 1.0 hour

12:00 noon or so MGJ goes shopping. I clean up breakfast dishes surf the net, play video games etc. 2 hours

2:00PM MGJ home. works on puzzle and I take a 1 hour nap ( I'm totally exhausted by now)

3:00PM MGJ and I engage in a very competitive game of Scrabble with numerous arguments and referrals to the dictionary and various jibes at each other re: who's the better Scrabble player.

4:00PM feed dogs, MGJ works on puzzle I mill about smartly waiting on dinner, occasionally preparing same but mostly just making hungry sounds until MGJ makes dinner.

5:00PM eat dinner in front of TV while watching a movie... We now have 738 videos in our library. Some last up to 2.5 hours.

7:00PM or later MGJ works on puzzle, I watch TV or read Emails or Craigslist or surf some more. Either MGJ or I clean up the kitchen. 2 or 3 hours.

10:00PM Beddy bye for me or shortly thereafter (you can understand how terribly exhausted I am by then). I usually lay in bed and read until about 11nish or so. MGJ stays up later and works on puzzles or reads she usually goes to bed around 11:30 or midnight.

You can see by our extremely busy schedule that we don't have time for working or anything else :-) We always make time for visiting family or there visiting us. We always love those times and we occasionally go out to breakfast or dinner with friends but that leaves absolutely NO time for laundry ,cleaning , Dr. visits ,lawn work exercise, etc. So, we just don't do them.

Now you might well ask why I just took time out of our brutishly busy schedule to do this blog entry ;that is because I am old and retired and really enjoy rubbing it in to all my working readers!!! Eat your hearts out guys...all you have to do to have a schedule much like ours is to GET OLD!!

On a slightly more serious note, I'm going to try to attach an article I received by Email. I'm not sure who sent it to me but the thought is sure appropriate Its titled "A cup of coffee". For you LDS folk,think Sprite or water :-)

A group of alumni, all highly established in their respective careers, got together for a visit with their old university professor. The conversation soon turned to complaints about the endless stress of work and life in general. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went into the kitchen and soon returned with a large pot of coffee and an eclectic assortment of cups: porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal - some plain, some expensive, some quite exquisite. Quietly he told them to help themselves to some fresh coffee. When each of his former students had a cup of coffee in hand, the old professor quietly cleared his throat and began to patiently address the small gathering. 'You may have noticed that all of the nicer looking cups were taken up first, leaving behind the plainer and cheaper ones. While it is only natural for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is actually the source of much of your stress-related problems.' He continued, 'Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In fact, the cup merely disguises or dresses up what we drink. What each of you really wanted was coffee, not a cup, but you instinctively went for the best cups. Then you began eyeing each other's cups.

Now consider this:

Life is coffee. Jobs, money, and position in society are merely cups. They are just tools to shape and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not truly define nor change the quality of the Life we live. Often, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. The coffee is brewed, but you supply the cups. Enjoy your coffee!'

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have. So please: Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. And remember - the richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.

I'm most thankful for the special flavor you add to my coffee.


Amy Ferguson said...

I just love your posts, PA - you are so pithy!!! You make me smile! XXOO Ames

diabetesNP said...

you could make another analogy that our physical bodies are the cup and life is the coffee. Only some of us buy into thinking that our coffee is only good if its in a beautiful (or functional) cup. I love ya daddy.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Grampy!! I love your posts! I miss you guys a lot! You guys deserve to have the days that you have. I would love to sit around and play scrabble, read, and do puzzles! You guys sound like a couple of dorks like me! Must run in the family!

Love you both!

JC Gentry said...

I only wish that we could be there to take up more of your time. Looking forward to coming up this Xmas...Love you guys.